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Retrofitting - Generator Replacements


Routine maintenance and periodically checking fluid levels can go a long way with extending the life of your generator. But as the saying goes, eventually all good things come to an end and generators are no exception. Unfortunately, if the generator compartment is limited in size, you might have issues with a stock generator. As requirements change over the years, so does the size of the generator (even if it's the same kW size). With the introduction of Tier 4 Final, it's a good idea to do your homework with the restrictions and regulations according to the kW size you're considering to purchase. If you're interested in learning more about Tier 4 Final, we have an informative blog on the topic that is available here.

The number one challenge with Tier 4 Final generators is the overall height of the unit. PowerTech has a case study that solved this issue concerning height restrictions in bloodmobiles. Blood buses often outlast their 20kW generators and replacements are a concern for blood collection companies. PowerTech's engineering team designed a solution to lower the overall height of the Tier 4 Final 20 kW generator. The new design saved the company time and money with no alterations to the generator or the bus. The PT-20BML generator is now a stock generator within our lineup due to its popularity within the bloodmobile market.

retrofitting a bloodmobile generator


So, what separates PowerTech from other generator manufacturers? The ability to create customized mobile power solutions through design, engineering, innovation, and support. PowerTech's ability to engineer and design in-house, fabricate custom parts, and deliver on a timely basis translates into time and money saved with altering stock generators for our customers.

If you're looking to upgrade your generator, consult with our experienced sales team to engineer your custom generator solution.


PowerTech Mobile Generators