
Kubota Bypass Hose for an 02/03 Kubota Water Pump

Kubota Bypass Hose for a Power Tech Mobile Generator 15 - 20 KW 

Power Tech Mobile Generator Kubota bypass hose for the water pump.  This bypass hose is for units made in 2008 and older.

This bypass hose was used on the following Kubota engine models:

Kubota 1902
Kubota 1903
Kubota 2203
Kubota 2003T

Finding what engine is on your Power Tech generator.


Power Tech serial numbers are usually located on the control box or outside the enclosure.  This depends on the make and model of the generator and when it was made.  On generators pre-1999, it could be stamped on the generator end.

Breaking down the serial number.

Serial numbers usually look something like this: KHA45DDD1234

For this part, your Power Tech serial number should start with "KH", "KM", "KT",or "KF"

The Power Tech Mobile Generator Part Number: 03HSBYP1902


PowerTech Mobile Generators